Lakeside Storage Blog
Stay up to date with our most recent news, tips, and promotions.Lakeside Storage is here to help you RECLAIM your space by offering storage at the best price in Utah Valley!
Happy December!
We can't believe it's December and that Christmas is just around the corner! Here at Lakeside...
Lakeside is wishing you and yours a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much to all of our...
Outdoor Units Currently Available
If you're in need of an outdoor unit look no further! We currently have outdoor units available...
Museum Fee and Hours
Hello and welcome to the countries largest Petroliana collection! Our museum us open...
Holiday Hours
Tis the season already! Thanksgiving: CLOSED Black Friday: OPEN Christmas Eve: 9AM-NOON Christmas...
Wishing You a Spooky Safe Halloween
Lakeside Storage is wishing you and your family a spooky, safe Halloween this weekend!